tips for great candids of kids

Tips for Taking Great Photos of Kids

Kids are one of my most favorite subjects to photograph. They are energetic, happy, hilarious and they don't care what anybody thinks. BUT, every once in a while, those adorable, joyful, carefree kids get tired, hungry, bothered, bored, mad, sad or frustrated. Any one or combination of those can turn a hopeful photo shoot into a no good, very bad day for both the child and the parents. If you are prepared ahead of time, you can capture great candid shots of kids with shining with their best smiles.

These are my seven tips for getting great photos of kids:

  • Don't let the kids feel pressure of having to smile and behave their absolute best, or else. Everyone wants perfect photos of their kids, which usually leads to enormous amounts of stress. Be cool and calm and make it a fun experience; make it an adventure, and not a threat.

Tips for Taking Great Photos of Kids -
  • Get on their level. When I start a session with kids I always find ways to relate to them and find out what they are all about- favorite movies, characters, toys, treats, music or anything that puts me on their side and not another adult making them do something they might not be that excited about. It's okay to let them bring a favorite toy. When you get them talking about things that make them happy, you're bound to have a few genuine smiles. Become their friend! 

Tips for Taking Great Photos of Kids -
Tips for Taking Great Photos of Kids -
  • Get them laughing. When parents tell kids to smile for the camera or say cheese, they quickly remember why they don't want to be there. I love having a sibling or parent behind my camera making funny faces or telling inside jokes to get them laughing! Families know how to make each other laugh even if one of them is grumpy. If I'm the only one working for a smile, I have no shame in being silly to get someone to smile.

Great Tips for Photographing Kids -
  • Bring assistants to help you out. By this I mean TREATS. I always carry a pack of Skittles or M&Ms for a quick reward- especially for those that might be too young to reason with. If the water works and tantrums have started, they usually will at least sit still and savor a small treat for a few happy seconds. A toddler chewing is better than a toddler screaming 😂. I also bring bubbles (what kid doesn't love them) and if I know a baby will be there, some kind of toy that makes noise to get them to look up at the camera. This can be a huge help!

Tips for Taking Great Photos of Kids -
  • Try not to force it. If they aren't happy or cooperating just take a break and let them play! I'll have them explore the location and get their mind off of photos. I get the best candid shots when kids are in their element; exploring, running, playing and laughing. Mix things up and get them moving, let them be themselves. 

Tips for Taking Great Candid Photos of Kids -
  • Give the parents a heads up before the shoot to make sure their little ones are fed and well-rested. Even the happiest of kids fall apart if they are being told to sit up and smile at a stranger when it's well past nap time. My photo shoots of families that have young kids go much better if they are in the morning or after nap time. 

Taking Great Photos of Kids -


  • Kids can easily sense tension. If a parent (or better yet both) is stressing out, help them relax and have them let you take the reins. Bring the fun back to the shoot, let the kids be themselves and just have a good time.

Tips for Taking Pictures of Kids -
Tips for Taking Great Candid Photos of Kids -

Taking pictures of kids should be a fun experience, not a terrible one. Take your time and relax, trying your best to allow them to have fun. If they think they are just in a new place, exploring and getting to play, you will get great genuine smiles and really good candid shots of kids!